Had to do it to 'em. Meme-lords & As Seen On Minecraft band American Football have shared a sweet, sweet homestyle rendition of their aptly-titled, classic song "Stay Home" off their influential debut album.
The audio for "Stay Home" premiered during this past weekend’s Nether Meant music festival, which raised $8,000 for Good360, amassed an incredible 165k live Twitch streams, and was brought together by virtual event producer Open Pit and fellow labelmates Anamanaguchi.
Filmed in the homes (and garages?) of Mike Kinsella, Steve Holmes, Steve Lamos, Nate Kinsella, and Cory Bracken – the dudes came together, well, because they are apart. Read more about how "Stay Home" at home came to be and watch below –
We decided to a) celebrate staying home by b) staying home and c) re-recording “Stay Home.” All tracks were single takes, spliced together through the magic of technology: Mike recorded audio and video first in Chicago, accentuating heartfelt lyrics with speed metal attire. Holmes recorded next out in the ‘burbs, throwing in a tempo flutter for the sake of live-band authenticity. Lamos went third out in Colorado, sporting the tiniest of hats while squinting often. Cory—or, at least Cory’s hands and torso—went next, out in Queens. Flanked by a carpet deodorizing machine, Nate completed the cycle somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska. A lot of people (us included) have a natural tendency to stay home. And now, strangely, that’s the responsible way to be. We hope at the very least that our homemade and tech-lite video will serve as a distraction from anxiety-inducing news coverage and stress about the future. And at best, maybe it will remind you that your antisocial tendencies are justified. You’ve been making the right decision all along: stay home.
Together in isolation,
American Football
Don't leave home again if empathy takes energy.
cause everyone feels just like you.
That's life –
So social.
So physical.
So "so-so".
So emotional.
So stay home.