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The M's - Future Women


Future Women

Release Date: February 21, 2006

Future Women

Release Date: February 21, 2006

Future Women is the far-reaching and ambitious sophomore effort from Chicago's The M's. Gorgeous, sweeping three-part harmonies punctuate the album -- recollecting fuzzed out 60s-era Britpop and 70s-era T. Rex cut and re-formed with a glimpse toward the future.


  • Plan of the Man
  • Shawnee Dupree
  • Going Over It
  • Trucker Speed
  • Light I Love
  • My Gun
  • Future Women
  • Never Do This Again
  • Mansion in the Valley
  • Underground
  • Darling Lucia


  • Not only does the Chicago foursome bringthe raw power needed to make a good racket but they shelter the sound with thekind of sly wordplay and soulful pop breaks the Davies brothers madefamous.

    - GQ Online
  • TheM's capture that glorious moment when the British Invasion bands of the '60swere still grappling with their love of R and B while flirting with the moresophisticated harmonies and hooks of classic pop songwriting.

    - Chicago Tribune
  • TheM's spirit and ambition make a convincing case for rolling back thecalendar.

    - The Big Takeover
  • FutureWomen needs to be heard by people desperate for an album that takes them ona journey, sonically and emotionally, without being overly precious orself-important about it. The M'shave delivered what I dare say is one of the first rock masterpieces of the newyear.

    - The Buffalo News
  • The four M's call Chicago home, but with their fuzzy riffs and psychedelicmelodies, they could be mistaken for a bunch of British tunesmiths by the namesof Ray Davies, Damon Albarn, Marc Bolan,and John Lennon.

    - Spin Magazine
  • The M's aren't a UK rock band, but they do a ripping imitation of one on the title track of their debut album, Future Women, which sounds like an early-'70s Paul McCartney tune upgraded for the post-Strokes era.

    - The Onion


  • Mansion in the Valley
  • Trucker Speed